Hyuna and E’Dawn Dating “Scandal”: Why I’m Pissed
Before you get up in arms, let me explain.

Hyuna and E’Dawn dating honestly doesn’t bother me. In fact, I think Hyuna is a kween and her relationship with E’Dawn of Pentagon is cute. The real crime is no one telling me about Triple H until after all their dating “scandal” happened. WHY DIDN’T ANYONE ALERT ME OF TRIPLE H’S EXISTENCE?!
Triple H is so sexy and funky. This combination is not something I have across in the K-pop as of late. I’m not going say something cliche like, “they’re so refreshing”, but they are seriously so cool to me. I am genuinely upset that I didn’t learn about their group (sub-unit?) with Hui until after they were kicked out of Cube Entertainment.
Full disclosure, before all of this happened I only kind of knew of Hyuna. Thanks to this Funny or Die video.
Yes, I’m serious. This is my first Hyuna reference. I didn’t realize she was in 4Minute until WAAAY later. It seems I have trouble discovering solo K-pop artists versus groups. Maybe its just the way algorithms bring things to my attention or maybe companies don’t do the same level of promotion for solo artists… Whatever the case may be, I only know a handful of solo Korean artists. To my understanding, Hyuna is one of the top solo female K-pop artists and I’m just properly finding out about her. I wonder who else I’m missing out on.
Anyways, the scandal to me is not surprising, but from an American fan perspective I find it to be blown out of proportion. A scandal by definition is “an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.” So I guess the situation has the “general public outrage” part down, but Hyuna and E’dawn didn’t do anything morally or legally wrong. Again, this is from my American fan perspective, Korean fans have every right to disagree with me. All I’m saying is Hyuna and E’dawn’s company should have done at least a little bit more to protect their artists. Cutting them lose after having more than one public statement was messy and probably a PR nightmare on their end.
So, maybe it’s for the best I didn’t discover Triple H until now? Since I joined the train so late, knowing I’ll most likely never get another Triple H song or album is less painful. I can’t imagine being a hardcore fan from the start and having to watch this all go down.
This piece is not an accurate representation of my writing ability. I’m just thinking out loud here.