Lessons from Dave-seonsaengnim (World of Dave) #3
Korean L3: Phrases — “It can’t be helped”
Shrugging, but with words
어쩔 수 없어/uhjjeol su ubsuh・It can’t be helped, There is nothing I can do about it, I can’t help it, It’s inevitable.
내일 못 와요?/naeil mot wayo・You can’t make it tomorrow?
네, 내일 일해야 돼요/nae, naeil il haeyadaeyo・Yeah, I have work tomorrow
막차 끝났어요/makcha ggeutnassuhyo・I missed the last train
어쩔 수 없어요, 우리집에서 자고 가요/uhjjeol su ubsuh uri jibehsuh jago gayo・It can’t be helped, just sleep over tonight
내일 운동 할래?/naeil undong halleae?・You want to exercise tomorrow?
아..나 다리를 다쳤어요/ah..na darireul dachyeossuhyo・Ah, I hurt my leg
야, 토요일에 놀러가자/ya toyoileh noluhgaja・Hey, let’s party on Saturday!
부모님 안된대/bumonim andaendae・My parent’s said I can’t go out that day
아 쫌/ah jjom・Aw, com’on!
Writers notes: As of September 25th, 2018, Dave hasn’t uploaded a video in ten days. Send help. Also, YouTube, MONETIZE THIS MAN’S CHANNEL!